Amazing App Features Supported By Research!
1, 2 or 4 View Posture Analysis
A.I. Computer Vision Assisted Analsysis to Accurately measure angles and linear distances of posture displacements and documentation for clinical assessments!
Comparative Reports
Augmented Reality Assisted Computer Vision
iOS devices with A12 chip or later while on Unlimited Subscription can access the latest in automated Posture and Movement assessments with Augmented Reality.
Seated Desk Analysis
Remote Virtual Client Screenings

Optional Cloud Backup
Use our optional HIPAA compliant cloud backup service to not only backup your database, but also give access to your all your iOS devices access to client data. Also allow your clients to use RemoteScreen for “Virtual Tele-Medicine” like assessments.
Photographic Body Composition
LeanScreen Assessment Module to accurately measure Body Composition using Patented photographic anthropometry! Measure Percent Body Fat , Waist Hip Ratio and more from the same PostureScreen photos!
Movement Screens
Use our functional movement assessments module to assess Lateral, AP, PA Overhead Squat, Pushup-Plank, and free form video for annotation and overlay analysis
Report Branding Customization
Prescribe Evidence Based Exercises
PostureScreen users with a WebExercises.com account subscription can now access their exercise content and prescribe anywhere and anytime all through the easy to use exercise menu!
Spinal Range of Motion
Our lates module uses computer vision along with gyroscope sensors of the iPhone or iPad to allow for accuare Cervical and Thoraco-Lumbar Spinal Range of Motion.
Powerful, Professional, and Versatile.

Attention Chiropractors, Physical therapists, Massage & Manual Therapists, and Fitness Professionals! Say goodbye to unreliable patient/client assessment methods and say hello to the revolutionary PostureScreen application. It’s the ultimate solution for analyzing posture, backed by extensive scientific studies. Get started for just $59.99USD for the first 30 days, and then enjoy a subscription fee of only $19.99USD/month ($199/year) for PostureScreen on iOS.
According to the prestigious Journal of Physical Therapy Science, PostureScreen Mobile provides repeatable measures for anatomical landmarks with substantial or almost perfect agreement. (J Phys Ther Sci. 2016 Dec; 28(12): 3398–3402) It has also shown strong reliability and construct validity (J Phys Ther Sci. 2018 Jan; 30(1): 31–36). With such promising results, this app is poised to become an indispensable tool in both clinical and research settings.
PostureScreen harnesses the power of Computer Vision A.I. to offer objective and efficient posture and movement assessments. Evaluate your patients/clients with ease and generate comprehensive reports for clinical purposes. Additionally, provide personalized educational reports, comparison reports, and trend progress reports to help your patients/clients understand their results and track their progress.
Our user-friendly and HIPAA compliant software accurately assesses patients/clients and suggests corrective exercises seamlessly integrated with your WebExercises account. With features like 2-view and 4-view Computer Vision Assisted Posture Assessments, 2D Photographic Body Composition Analysis, Functional Movement Assessments, Seated Ergonomic Posture Assessment, and more, PostureScreen covers all your assessment needs. The latest release even includes Computer Vision assisted Spinal Range of Motion!
PostureScreen doesn’t stop there! Enjoy additional features such as video capture and annotation tools, pain diagrams, customizable email templates, PDF document integration, and compatibility with top EHRs. If you opt for the SyncScreen subscription, you’ll also gain access to HIPAA Compliant Cloud Services. This allows for data backup, multi-device access, and even enables your patients/clients to upload photos or videos for virtual assessments through the RemoteScreen app—perfect for “Tele-health” style consultations.
Upgrade your assessment process today with PostureScreen and provide reliable and valid assessments that both you and your patients/clients deserve.
Please note that Computer Vision Assisted Digitization is exclusively available under the Unlimited Subscription on iOS18 or later devices. The Unlimited Use Assessment Subscription unlocks features like LeanScreen, SquatScreen, Comparison Module, Edit Report, SyncScreen, demographic export, pain diagram, SitScreen, and Cervical Range of Motion, but only on the iOS version of PostureScreen. The Android version of PostureScreen is a “lite” version and is limited to posture only manual digitization. Exercise content is offered through the WebExercises platform and for integration with PostureScreen you will need a subscription with their company. Similarly, educational animations offered through 3D Practice also requires a subscription with their company, 3D Practice.
**Please note the Android version is a “lite” version of PostureScreen and lacks Computer Vision and only has posture assessment module which is manually performed, not automatic like on iOS. Please note that not all features are available for Android platform at this time for details on both iOS and Android modules and more details on pricing and subscriptions, click here. Minimum Requirements: iPadOS 18 and later for Apple devices. & Android 12 and later for Android Devices Augmented Reality Assisted Posture Assessments are ONLY available on iOS Devices and requires an A12/A12x/A13/A14/M1 and later Chip CPU based iPhone/iPad with an Unlimited Assessment Subscription. To Learn More, Click Here.
PostureCo, Inc. software is protected under US Patent No. 8,721,567, US Patent No. 9,788,759, US Patent No. 9,801,550, US Patent No. 11,017,547, and US Patent No. 11,610,305 with Patents Pending Internationally
Setting Up Your Clinic’s iPad for PostureScreen: Best Practices
We recommend, and many of our customers follow this approach: purchase one or more iPads for the clinic and, during the initial setup, create a dedicated Apple ID specifically for the clinic instead of using your personal Apple ID. With this clinic-specific Apple ID, you can purchase the PostureScreen application and the unlimited subscription. This approach offers several benefits, including:
- Separation of Business and Personal Accounts: Keeps business purchases separate from personal ones.
- Privacy Protection: Prevents staff from accessing your personal email, photos, or other private content.
- Simplified Accounting: Makes it easier to expense the software for business and tax purposes.
- Data Security: Ensures patient information remains within the clinic and off personal devices.
- Scalability: Simplifies the process of adding more devices as your clinic grows.
This method ensures a more professional, secure, and organized workflow for your clinic.
Powerful, Professional, and Versatile.
Augmented Reality Assisted Assessments
Computer Vision – Augmented Reality Assisted Posture Assessments within PostureScreen for iOS are a “Game Changer” in efficient objective client / patient documentation.
Clients Assessed
Assessments Performed
Powerful Assessment – Anywhere, Anytime

J Phys Ther Sci. 2016 Dec; 28(12): 3398–3402.

Range of Motion: Fast, valid, and reliable Computer Vision Based Goniometry and device Gyroscopic methods for Range of Motion Assessments
Posture Analysis using Computer Vision
Seated Analysis
Ergonomic Assessments
Posture Documentation
Comparitive Posture Analysis
Computer Vision Based ROM
Fast, reliable and valid computer vision based range of motion using digitial goniometric methods. Cervical ROM is currently released with additional ROM modules to be released in 2023.
Corrective Exercise Intervention
Learn More about iOS and Android Features
Powerful Assessments always in your hand

J Phys Ther Sci. 2018 Jan; 30(1): 31–36.
[Used for Outcomes in Research] The postural examinations were carried out with a photographic method using the PostureScreen Mobile app (PSM). The PSM application has been shown to be a reliable and valid method for evaluating static posture. PSM is a mobile application designed to measure the posture parameters in individuals.
J Clin Med. 2023 Jul 11;12(14):4618. doi: 10.3390/jcm12144618

Posture Comparisons
Posture Trend Analysis
Movement Screen Comparisons
Powerful Assessments always in your hand

J Contemp Dent Pract. 2018 Jul 1;19(7):773-777.

WebExercises Integration
Integration with the WebExercises iOS platform to allow custom exercise content for easy exercise prescription to your patient or client. A WebExercises account subscription is required for all exercise content integration.
Suggested Exercises
Save time by using the “suggested exercise” libraries that correspond to possible correctives based on specific movement screen findings or postural faults. A WebExercises account subscription is required.
CBP Mirror Image Exercises
Exclusive integration with evidence based corrective postural exercises from Clinical BioMechanics of Posture a.k.a Chiropractic BioPhysics Technique. This requires WebExercises Account Subscription.
LeanScreen & SquatScreen Assessments!
**Please note that not all features are avaliable for Android platform at this time.
PostureCo, Inc. software is protected under US Patent No. 8,721,567, US Patent No. 9,788,759, US Patent No. 9,801,550, and US Patent No. 11,017,547 with other Patents Pending Internationally