Upgraded Your PostureRay? Please watch these tutorials.

Upgraded Your PostureRay? Please watch these tutorials.

Video Tutorial: What’s New with .AI Assisted Digitization Please take time to review these detailed Tutorials Below. Cervical Computer Vision:

How to change your iOS Subscription

Changing your Apple iOS Subscription for PostureScreen is no different than any other application. This is all controlled completely through the Apple AppStore directly, not our application. To Edit, Upgrade, or Cancel and change an existing subscription, simply under...

UNLIMITED use Subscription

As summarized on the AppStore and on our main website, the initial purchase of PostureScreen includes a use for 30 days. After the 30-days, you must purchase an Unlimited Assessment Subscription. This subscription will unlock all assessment modules and you will gain...

Upgrade Notes for PostureRay

Preparing for a PostureRay Update:1.     Make sure employee is present to login to technical support portal at the time scheduled. Please have them login to support at the scheduled time on all the PostureRay computers and make sure the technicians get complete...

Install PostureRay Upgrade

In this article we address how to install an upgrade of PostureRay if you are given a link.  Please note that if performing this on a NETWORKED PostureRay installation, you MUST upgrade the NETWORK Server software FIRST if you are on a different version –...