
Using PostureScreen on Multiple Devices (iOS)

PostureScreen (or LeanScreen or SquatScreen) apps can be used on multiple devices for no additional charge. However, all devices need to be using the SAME Apple account. If so, you can use under a subscription unlimited and up to ten devices. However, if the devices...

Enterprise version of PostureScreen

To serve the needs of larger facilities (gym franchises, clinic chains, and group practices with many therapists) we have created an easy method to use PostureScreen. The limitations of the AppStore preclude one from sharing a purchase/subscription across different...

Apple and Android Devices, Do I have to purchase on both platforms?

QUESTION: Is it possible to purchase app on one platform say Android Google Play store, and then use on an iPad or vice versa?ANSWER: Unfortunately no it is not.  As developers we have no control over sales at all, neither distribution through the respective app...