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Cloud Backup Services (Formely known as SyncScreen) – Sharing accounts – multiple devices tutorial

In this tutorial we review how to have one account, and share with another device.

You must have already created a cloud backup services account on the main device.  From there you can create additional accounts for others that are under the same Apple ID or even if they purchased our applications under another Apple ID.  The secure cloud we designed is not bound by Apple ID and can be used across different devices where a user purchased the app under their Apple ID.  The Cloud backup service is only billed to the main administrator.

Note: When you use PostureScreen, SquatScreen, or LeanScreen apps with Cloud Backup services across multiple devices, please make sure they are all on the same app version. If they are not, older versions of the application may not be able to see client data that was generated on newer versions of the application.

Video tutorial: