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Lateral Cervical Digitization CBP Technique & Computer Vision.
The computer vision module requires a valid technical support maintenance agreement and is only available in the CBP Technique version. Currently only the lateral cervical, lateral cervical flexion, lateral cervical extension xrays have computer vision option, but more x-rays to be added as research projects move forward. This computer vision artificial intelligence module interfaces with our proprietary patent pending cloud software when your x-rays are analyzed by our server, and as such, an internet connection is always required along with technical support maintenance. If a client cancels their technical support maintenance agreement, or it expires at any time, the customer will lose access to this module as well as PostureRay database online backups and the online browser based Virtual ViewBox. PostureRay can still be used in a manual mode like it always has prior to version 25 and version 26 without these value added features. Always remember, as demonstrated in the tutorial video, you always as the doctor must always validated the digitization using computer vision no different then if you had another associated doctor manually mark the xrays. The computer vision only saves time, it is in no means a replacement for your clinical decision making and you the doctor must always validate all markings regardless if utilizing the computer vision modules or with associate doctors, when and if you see any mis-marked segments, it is your job to correct the anatomical location. Again this is not a replacement for clinical decision making. You must always validate the anatomical digitizations in all cases prior to making these part of your health care records for your patient.
Video link:

In this tutorial we show the manual method of digitization when Computer Vision is not available due to lack of technical support plan.
Video link: