In this tutorial we review how you can change in the endplate chosen to generate Cobb analysis for a scoliosis. New User...
This is a tutorial for the APOM Cervical view in the CBP technique version of PostureRay. Video...
PostureRay X-Ray EMR has ability to have more then one technique module installed. If you have purchased a second technique upgrade, in order to toggle between both CBP as well as CLEAR technique methods, you will need to have the x-rays analyzed for the...
In this tutorial we will review how the overall curve measurement is measured and calculated in the PostureRay system. Video...
This tutorial will show you how to use the all new improved digital viewbox in PostureRay. Video...
This is a tutorial on the modified ferguson view primarily used for better visualization of sacral base, SI joints. It is a hybrid shot between the femur head shot and ferguson view with opening of collimation with tube tilt in order to also see the upper lumbar...
This is a tutorial of the AP lumbar digitzation method. video...
This tutorial will show you how to digitize the lateral lumbar x-ray with Computer Vision. The computer vision module requires a valid technical support maintenance agreement and is only available in the CBP Technique version. This computer vision artificial...
This tutorial will show you how to digitize an AP Thoracic x-ray using CBP version of PostureRay. PostureRay version 21 and later, you must select an apex of for levels of curves:Video link: Older PostureRay Version Below:Video...
This is how to perform a lateral thoracic digitization using the PostureRay system. The computer vision module requires a valid technical support maintenance agreement and is only available in the CBP Technique version. This computer vision artificial intelligence...
This tutorial covers how to properly assess a thoracic scoliosis using PostureRay. Be sure to choose the end points and apex very carefully as this can have drastic effect on the assessed measurements. Note on the AP Thoracic tab, you can digitize T1-L5 using...
In this tutorial we will walk you through the basics of working with the nasium. video link: Nasium Tutorial Video link: Using the “Threshold” and “Resolution” Settings for Nasium...
Tutorial on digitization of AP cervical view. Video...
The computer vision module requires a valid technical support maintenance agreement and is only available in the CBP Technique version. Currently only the lateral cervical, lateral cervical flexion, lateral cervical extension xrays have computer vision option, but...