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Third Party Software Integration with PostureScreen, LeanScreen and SquatScreen

Our applications have the ability to send PDF documents and images securely to any URL.

Once you have PostureScreen installed, go into Settings > EHR & Third Party > EHR Connections, and configure an EHR connector.  Choose “Internet System” and enter your publicly available URL, an optional Name, and a “Vendor Key”.  Make sure the connection is ‘active’ by tapping the row so the blue checkmark appears. If an exclamation point appears, then there is something wrong with the URL or Name data entry fields.

The Vendor Key is what identifies this PostureScreen user within your software systems which will need to be programmed if that is how you wish your software to import the post.. 

This is the Clinician that is your customer that is using the PostureScreen app.  From the Clinician’s (user’s) perspective this is the key that you would provide to them from your software to distinguish and separate them from your other customers.  When your system receives this Vendor Key it should be used to associate the incoming data to the customer within your systems.

Within PostureScreen, the Clinician will add multiple separate Clients and create one or more assessment exams for each Client. The Client information screen has a data entry field for their “Client ID”.  The Client ID is the client/patient of the PostureScreen app user. If your system provides unique IDs for each Clinician’s Client, the Clinician can enter that ID on the Client information screen to make the record even more unique and identifiable on the post.

After an exam is complete the user (Clinician) can tap the send icon (box with arrow) to review the exam export options.  For example, tapping the “PostureScreen 2-View Analysis” export button gives the option to preview the PDF, or email the PDF, or send to the EHR System.  Tapping the EHR System button will create the HTTP POST with the data for that exam, as described in the attached document.

Each post of data into your systems will have 2 critical identifiers: one for the Clinician and one for the Client. Your systems will need to determine how to handle the data: is the incoming data duplicate, should it be overwritten, should you create a new Client record, should there be an ‘inbox’ area for the Clinician so they can manually organize the data.