
SquatScreen Zoom Workaround

In this video we show how to work around the zoom that occurs with autozoom on the squatScreen module. This will be addressed in future update to fix this oversight. Thank you for your patience. Video tutorial:...

How to edit a Movement Screen

Regardless of which movement screen you have performed, this same processes is in place for editing points, background, orediting and recapturing the key photo from the video. Video Tutorial:...

Preview SquatScreen Movement Results

This tutorial reviews how you can review the PDF as well as the results that will be emailed to the client as an attachment for movement assessments. Tutorial...

Movement Screen Tutorials – SquatScreen, PushUp Screen and more

 SquatScreen is an assessment module within the PostureScreen for iOS. Movement Assessments Currently Include: Overhead Lateral Squat Assessment Overhead AP Squat Assessment Overhead PA Squat Assessment Single Leg Squat Assessment Push-up Plank Assessment Generic...