
SyncScreen – Uploading, Downloading Clients

In this tutorial we review the basics of the new update starting in version 11.4 of PostureScreen for iOS. With this new update, anytime you edit or update a client, add a client, or add an assessment to a client, they will automatically be queued for upload, making...

SyncScreen Cloud Synchronization, RemoteScreen and Backup

SyncScreen Cloud Backup Subscription Service Multi iOS Device Backup (iPhones, iPads, iPods) and Sharing/Manual Synchronizationof Client Data (all devices need to be in same iOS and same app version) Free Client/Patient App, RemoteScreen for offsite Virtual...

Combining Duplicate Patients in PostureRay

Many times, when a post x-ray is performed, a doctor wishes to do a comparison report, only to find that an error message is listed by PostureRay explaining they are two separate patients.  Frustrated, staff often calls for support. It is a simple user error...