Plane of ViewVariable of InterestPoints neededMeasurement detailsAnterior ViewLateral Head TranslationBilateral Pupils relative to Episternal NotchBisection of pupils relative to episternal notchAnterior ViewSkull lateral flexion/extensionBilateral pupilsAngle formed...
SitScreen Measurements Name of MeasurementHow is it MeasuredCranio-Vertebral Angle (CVA)D-E-Horizontal: External Auditory Meatus (EAM)/Tragus relative to HorizontalHead-Neck Angle AKA Neck Flexion Angle – Szeto)D-E-Vertical: EAM/Tragus to verticalHead-Tilt Angle...
In this tutorial we will review the basic overview of the anatomical landmarks for postural assessment using PostureScreen Mobile. Please note that the points can be moved at anytime if a digitization mistake is made. Many common questions are how can we from a...