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PostureScreen: Quick Screening – 1 View Posture Assessment – Right Lateral View

Use the new QUICK SCREENING lateral view analysis. The new quick screening method is ideal for a high volume setting.  The drawback is obviously it is only a RIGHT lateral view, and while the images are saved and can still be emailed out, you do not capture their demographic information within the application.  This method should be used if using a paper method or other demographic form the potential client fills out during the outside event, this way the potential client can be followed up with following the screening.

UPDATE: Each Assessment will use the credit/token in-app upgrades, unless you are currently on the new subscription offering, which unlocks all modules and unlimited use for up to 10 iOS devices.

This method is very straight forward, just take a right lateral view of the client, calibrate, and then click the lateral view points.

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