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PostureScreen Push to PostureRay System

In this tutorial we will review how to integrate PostureScreen with version 20 (or later) of PostureRay.  

Please note if you are pushing images and reports to your EHR directly from PostureScreen at this time, you may only choose to do so for clients that you meet outside the office.  In the case here if you push from PostureScreen directly to PostureRay, the reports and images will also be within the PostureRay system.  So if your EHR currently is integrated with PostureRay (such as Genesis) you may only need to push from the PostureRay system to your EHR.

Please note ONLY 1 iPad or iPhone can be paired with ONLY 1 PostureRay Workstation.  You shouldn’t need more then one anyway even on a networked PostureRay system as the exams you push from the app to PostureRay will be available to all computers on the PostureRay Network.

This is ONLY available on the iOS versions of our applications.

How the process works:

Video link: