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How to turn off Out of Technical Support Pop Up Messages
If you are a user of PostureRay that has cloud capability and decide you no longer wish to use premium features included in a annual technical support plan (online viewbox, backups, computer vision), you can easily turn off the reminder pop-up messages.
You will see a reminder such as the following or an attempt to login to the cloud back end during PostureRay start up.

If you are not enrolled in a support plan, you can log out of the online portion thus removing these popups.
To do so simply open PostureRay at Main Menu> click the cloud login here:

Next you need to click “Cancel VVB”

After you have done this part, next click System Setup button and under each Administrator under the Provider Tab, please uncheck the “Enabled” for VVB Login Section, and then Click “Save”. Repeat this under each provider if there is more then one provider/administrator.

Now the next time you start up PostureRay you will not see this message. If you are on a multi computer version, you will likely have to do this on each station and check each station.