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How to restart the SQL service for PostureRay
In 2016, some PostureRay clients got converted to a SQL express server to ensure their PostureRay database would be safe and secure. Sometimes your Postureray SQL service might stop and you will need to restart it manually. There are lots of reasons why a SQL service would stop in PostureRay. Here are a few reasons
- Server is frozen
- Power Outages
- OS upgrade
- Migration of a physical server
- Certain configuration changes (e.g. service account change, hardware changes, instant file initialization, this list could go on for weeks)
Here are the instructions below on how to restart it.
1) Restart server computer before starting instructions. Sometimes your computer needs to refresh itself. Try to login back into PostureRay, after server has restarted. If you still receive an error then continue with below instructions.
2) You need to get on the computer that has the PostureRay database. Usually its on a server but sometimes it can be on a different computer. Please make sure you are on this specific computer otherwise it will not work.
3) Go in your Control Panel and click on Administrative Tools
4) Click on Services
5) In the Service window look for this file called SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) all the files will be in alphabetic order . Double click on the file when you find it. Please ignore all the other SQL Server files. Look at the attachment if you can’t find this file. Also, if you can’t find it then you are not on the right computer.
6) In this window you will see a STOP button towards the mid bottom of the screen – click on STOP
7) Once this service has stopped go back to the same location in this window and press START, this will restart the service.
8) Wait until the service has started, go to your PostureRay workstations now and try and login.
9) You might need to restart computer.
For more technical support assistance you can call 866-577-7297 if this should not work.