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Demographic Export Module

This upgrade is extremely useful when your office does spinal screenings on multiple dates. This feature allows you to quickly generate a Excel style demographic report for all screenings performed between a specified date range. This report is emailed to your main account which was entered in the email address section in PostureScreen Mobile. It is most helpful for your staff to quickly call or email prospective patients from a spinal screening.

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Support for importing the output of demographic export (.CSV file type) into Excel is as follows

If you simply open the file using excel, it is likely that the report will not open as intended in an excel table.

This happens because the delimiters in Excel (Calc, OpenOffice, etc) are not set correctly.    The delimiter must be set as  semicolon .

If you open the file by double-clicking, Excel will not know the delimiter to use and will default to comma (based on the region of US).  Because this file is actually a data import file, you will need to import it into Excel…  not  just double click it.

Here are some support instructions.

  • If you have Excel 2003 goto Data -> Import External Data -> Import Data on the menu bar and select the demographic file.  This should launch the  Text Import Wizard seen in the screenshots below.
  • For Excel 2007: Select DATA -> FROM TEXT…
  • For Excel prior to 2007: Select DATA -> GET EXTERNAL DATA -> IMPORT TEXT FILE…