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Cervical Range of Motion (ROM)

The cervical ROM module allows for one or three repetition testing along with marking point of pain. Below you will find various tutorials on how to understand Cervical ROM. Additional Range of Motions modules are currently being worked on and will be released as soon as we are done validating. Please review how to edit captured ROM Studies and valid point digitizations below.

*Make sure your patient follows proper procedure for warm up prior to ROM testing in all ranges of motion to be tested prior to actual study.

The patient should be SEATED during the examination, not standing. If using the supine axial rotation method, they will lay supine for that examination.

Cervical ROM Basics (one repetition, no pain marked)

Video tutorial:

Proper alignment set up with head rotation tutorial

Video tutorial:

How to edit ROM screens

Video tutorial:

How to interpret and understand the ROM Assessment

Video Tutorial: