Where you are ready to take the backup you need to: 1. open command prompt (admin) 2. path yourself to the folder where you have the batch file. CD (path) 3. enter PRaybackup then supply the PostureRay SA password PO$tureco 4. Once it exits you can look at the outPRBU.txt to see what happened 5. Copy the .bak file to your other server The .bak will be in this folder below It will be in the MSSQL11.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\Backup folder On my test computer it is a 64 bit SQL SERVER so it is located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\Backup You need to copy the .bak to the new computer in the same location Remember that the output .txt file will be located where the Batch files were installed in that folder once you execute them one for Praybackup and one for PRayrerstore